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Oasis Awais' 2018 Summer Movie Preview

It's that time of year again. Marvel have officially kicked off the 2018 Summer movie season with Avengers: Infinity War and we have an exciting few months of cinema ahead so, keeping with tradition, here's my annual summer movie preview!
'A Quiet Place' Review

Last year, Jordan Peele gave us one of the best films of 2017 in his directorial debut Get Out; following in a similar vein, John Krasinski also does a 360-genre spin to tackle the chilling A Quiet Place – and it might be one of the best films of this year.
'Ready Player One' Review

Earlier this year, Steven Spielberg gave us The Post; a mere couple of months later and the acclaimed director returns - this time giving us a film completely opposite from his timely and sharp newsroom flick – with sci-fi popcorn flick Ready Player One.
'Annihilation' Review

Back in 2015, writer Alex Garland stepped into the directing spotlight with his debut Ex Machina. This year, he follows his sci-fi masterpiece up with the long-awaited Annihilation – which is available to stream on Netflix now.
GFF 18: 'Wonderstruck' Review

Back in 2015, director Todd Haynes gave us one of the best films of the decade in Carol; returning to the helm this year to follow it up, we have Wonderstruck.
GFF 18: 'Submergence' Review

For his latest, Wim Wenders directs James McAvoy and Alicia Vikander in romantic drama Submergence - a film with arrives with lots of fascinating ideas and potential but one that, sadly, drowns upon arrival.
GFF 18: 'You Were Never Really Here' Review

In Hollywood's current weather, action films the likes of Taken and John Wick are a dime a dozen. On the surface, it's easy to mistake Lynne Ramsay's latest for another one of these. But it's so much more.
GFF 18: 'Ghost Stories' Review

Adapting from their acclaimed and colossal hit theatrical production, directors Andy Nyman and Jeremy Dyson offer us Ghost Stories: a terrifying anthology of unnerving stories, which screened at this year's Glasgow Film Festival.
GFF 18: 'Foxtrot' Review

Whilst it may not have picked up the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film at the Academy-Awards last night, it’s safe to say that you won’t see any film this year quite like Samuel Maoz’s Israeli drama Foxtrot.
GFF 18: 'Lean on Pete' Review

From Moonlight to Lady Bird, The Florida Project, A Ghost Story and more, A24 are at the top of their game. And now they’ve given us Lean on Pete, which screened at this year's Glasgow Film Festival - and the verdict is in.